時間/年 |
主題 |
2020 |
Tobacco and lung health
保護年輕人遠離所有菸品的危害 |
2019 |
Tobacco and lung health
吸菸與肺部健康 |
2018 |
Tobacco Breaks Hearts
菸品傷害心臟 |
2017 |
Tobacco threatens us all
菸害對於國家永續發展的威脅 |
2016 |
Get ready for plain packaging
菸品容器素面包裝做好準備 |
2015 |
Stop illicit trade of tobacco products
制止菸品非法貿易 |
2014 |
Raise Tobacco Tax
提高菸稅 |
2013 |
Ban Tobacco Adervertising, Promotion And Sponsorship
禁止菸草產業廣告、促銷、及贊助 |
2012 |
Stop Tobacco Industry Interference
對抗菸商干擾 |
2011 |
The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
履行「菸草控制框架公約」 |
2010 |
Gender and tobacco with an emphasis on marketing to women
兩性與菸草:關注針對女性的促銷行為 |
2009 |
Tobacco health warnings
菸草健康警示 |
2008 |
Tobacco-free youth
無菸青年 |
2007 |
Smoke Free Inside
創建無菸環境 |
2006 |
Tobacco: deadly in any form or disguise
菸品-多變的殺手 |
2005 |
Health professionals against tobacco
健康專業工作者拒菸 |
2004 |
Tobacco and poverty, a vicious circle
吸菸與貧困,一種惡性循環 |
2003 |
Tobacco free film, tobacco free fashion
無菸影視及無菸時尚 |
2002 |
Tobacco free sports
無菸體育 |
2001 |
Second-hand smoke kills
致命二手菸 |
2000 |
Tobacco kills, don’t be duped
吸菸害人命,別被騙了 |
1999 |
Leave the pack behind
把菸拋到腦後 |
1998 |
Growing up without tobacco
在無菸環境中成長 |
1997 |
United for a tobacco free world
聯合創造一個無菸世界 |
1996 |
Sport and art without tobacco: play it tobacco free
無菸藝文與無菸體育活動 |
1995 |
Tobacco costs more than you think
女性拒菸年-菸害超乎您的想像 |
1994 |
Media and tobacco: get the message across
媒體與菸害防制:把訊息傳出去 |
1993 |
Health services: our windows to a tobacco free world
健康服務:通往無菸世界的第一道門 |
1992 |
Tobacco free workplaces: safer and healthier
無菸職場:更安全、更健康 |
1991 |
Public places and transport: better be tobacco free
公共場所和交通工具:無菸更美好 |
1990 |
Childhood and youh without tobacco: growing up without tobacco